Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises in delivering energy-efficient products and in providing renewable energy equipment

Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises in Georgia in delivering energy-efficient products and in providing renewable energy equipment cover page
The publication assesses the business environment that MSME in clean energy face as a result of the pandemic, presents examples of best practices related to crisis response and post-crisis recovery, offers practical measures to help businesses access markets, financing, and advanced technologies, and provides recommendations for policy guidelines to help countries move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.


The role of MSME in delivering energy-efficient products and in providing renewable energy equipment can become crucial in the post-COVID-19 recovery phase if they are provided with necessary incentives. This can be one of the ways to restart MSME or even to create new ones when job opportunities are scarce. MSME can benefit from clear guidelines on access to financing, access to markets, access to advanced technologies, and a favorable environment created by proper government policies and legislation. They can also benefit from concrete examples of successful implementation of relevant measures, including repurposing that led to significant economic gains. In return, MSME can become engines for post-crisis economic recovery, creating job opportunities and leading socially responsible and environmentally sound economic development thus helping achievement of numerous sustainable development goals.

Based on the guidelines, UNECE delivered two training workshops. Workshop materials are available in the following links in English and in Russian

Read the report in English.

Watch the video recording of the training workshop in English.

Watch the video recording of the training workshop in Russian.

The guidelines are available in the links below:





Case Study

