Activities under cluster 2 aim at extending and adapting existing - eGovernment systems to support MSMEs in their business activities during the COVID-19 crisis and to enable MSMEs to benefit from the relief measures, such as tax deferrals schemes, subsidies, loans- set up by Governments to kickstart the economy. This cluster also includes capacity building activities for national government officials and informal MSME entrepreneurs, and the development of policy toolkits for digitized MSMEs formalization.

Best Practices: Formalization of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Africa
Good practices report on MSME Formalization.
Policy Guidelines for the Formalization of Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Kenya
The study supports the Government of Kenya and recommends ways of leveraging existing regulations and policies governing cooperatives for use in developing the MSME formalization framework. It also provides a guideline for application to the process of formulating the national MSME formalization policy.
Leveraging policies governing cooperatives to encourage the formalization of micro-, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Kenya
The purpose of this research paper is to support the Government of Kenya in promoting MSME formalization during the post-COVID-19 economic resurgence.
Workshops - Policy toolkits to stream MSME formalization and inclusive delivery of formalization services
In partnerships with the Government of The Gambia, the Government of Kenya and UN Country Teams, two workshops were organized on enhancing MSME formalization and its contribution to MSME resilience. The workshops received over 300 participants, including the Vice President of The Gambia, the Senior Advisor of the President of Kenya, policymakers and MSME entrepreneurs. Four reports were also delivered to facilitate the formulation of coherent policy environment conducive for MSME formalization